About us Knowledge & Change

About us Knowledge & Change


 Knowledge & Change

En Nubaj estamos convencido que la fortaleza de la empresa es su talento, por eso tenemos diferentes proyectos enfocados en potencias sus habilidades y seguir cultivando su conocimiento y experiencia



Universidad Nubaj

Nubaj University Online

Virtual training site for our collaborators with access to thousands of technical courses and softskills available 24/7.


Escuela de Liderazgo

School of Leadership

We build a unique Nubaj Leadership model for our leaders that we transmit in each generation through a curricular validity diploma.


English Training

English Training

We offer support to the development of our collaborators through a learning program in alliance with experts in the field.





We seek to create learning networks to encourage networking and knowledge sharing among collaborators so we train our experts in instructional skills.



Nubaj Experts

Project aimed at providing advice, support and opportunities to collaborators to validate their level of mastery over certain areas, endorsed by leading institutions worldwide.